Explore How IAHV is aligned with Sustainable Development Goals

IAHV works to empower those who are economically disadvantaged through skills development programs.
In association with the UNDP and with the support of HRH Princess Haya and the International Humanitarian City, IAHV was able to inspire almost 96,000 people of all ages and from all walks of life to Stand Up for two minutes on October 17, 2007 in support of the UNMC Campaign to remind governments around the world to keep their promise to implement the Millennium Developmental Goals 2000. Read more..

IAHV works towards distributing essential supplies in disaster recovery and rehabilitation processes.
In response to natural and manmade disasters, IAHV collects funds and goods for immediate material aid and care, provides and supports trauma relief and stress-management programs, and supports long-term rehabilitation.
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The International Association for Human Values in partnership with the Art of Living and a few NGOs in Iraq have collected 110 tonnes of food supplies to be delivered to Yazidi refugees on Sinjar mountains. Read more..

Guiding most vulnerable populations towards holistic well-being
Clean Drinking Water for Good Health
In West Bengal, India there have been a large number of deaths owing to jaundice and other water borne diseases. To address the issue, IAHV in partnership with the Art of Living installed low cost filtration equipment in many villages.
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Udaan- Hope for sex workers
IAHV in partnership with the Art of Living established health camps and wellness programs for physical well-being of sex worker. These have helped them come out of stress. Read more..
Prison SMART
Prison SMART (Stress Management and Rehabilitation Training) teaches prisoners how to manage their stress, aggression, and trauma, building a foundation for a new life. Read more..

IAHV engages with students in schools and universities to offer holistic sessions that help in overall development of young minds.
YES! for Schools is dedicated to providing youth with a healthy body, a healthy mind and a healthy lifestyle. We do this by offering youth practical tools and life skills to manage stress and emotions. When students learn how to manage their stress in a healthy way, they exhibit greater confidence and motivation to succeed in school and make healthy choices when faced with life’s challenges. Read more..

IAHV helps bridge gender gap through its economic empowerment programs for girls and women.
IAHV’s Women’s Empowerment programs promote women as key enablers of peace and stability through leadership, education, and community partnerships. Using a holistic approach to transforming lives, the program establishes clarity of mind, calm focus, and centeredness as the foundation of leadership. Read more..

IAHV engages communities on projects to clean rivers and raise awareness on sanitation.
In partnership with Art of Living foundation, IAHV has contributed in reviving 27 rivers in India. In addition, several projects related to rain water harvesting and watershed management have been undertaken. Read more..

Light a Home
In an effort to provide a clean and affordable lighting solution to rural India, the International Association for Human Values in partnership with the Art of Living initiated the “Light a Home” campaign. Following a bottom-up approach it has impacted more than 16,500 households. Today we have brought solar energy based lighting solutions to the more than 65,000 people and have provided employment opportunities to many among them. Read more..

Vocational training and socio-economic initiatives
Vishalakshi Women Empowerment Project
From a humble group of four women deciding to create a Self Help Group (SHG) to change their individual circumstances, today we have reached out to over 400 women via this program. The cooperative society that was setup not only provides vocational training, employment opportunities and loans to its members but it also facilitates the education of their children. This initiative was carried out by the IAHV in partnership with the Art of Living.
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Skill Training
IAHV in partnership with its sister trust Sri Sri Rural Development Program(SSRDP) started skills training in Electrical trade in association with Schneider Electric Foundation in 2012. The 3 months duration training is aimed at providing employment opportunities to the under privileged youths especially in the rural areas. Read more..

IAHV works with senior leadership teams of private sector to strengthen leadership styles through stress-management workshops.
Through its partnership with TLEX®, IAHV has helped facilitate trainings and talks to nearly 30,000 employees, with over 200 organizational clients in 30 countries across the globe. With Practical Training for Mental Clarity, Social Connection and Inspiration: TLEX® offers experiential and fun learning and integrated frameworks so employees can perform under high complexity and demand with greater collaboration and innovation.

IAHV works on addressing gender inequities by empowering girls and women. IAHV also addresses inequities by strengthening capacities of vulnerable populations.
Pursuant to the earthquake in Nepal, IAHV established a Disaster Relief Fund to provide humanitarian assistance for the victims of the Earthquake as well strengthening skills to build resilience over time through youth employment and more. Read more..

Empowering communities
Our projects transform societies by instilling a vision, making role models, promoting a sense of community and giving people a voice. The team implements holistic solutions for social, economic and environmental issues. Our goal is to enable transformation by acting as intermediary between various resource providers and communities. These connections combined with our empowerment, accountability and sustainability models, enable a lasting impact towards our shared goals.

Initiatives on organic & chemical-free farming
Sustainable farming methods have tremendous potential to transform agriculture-based economies. It can not only aid farmers by cutting farming costs but in the long run, it can restore the ecological imbalances caused by the overuse of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and genetically modified seeds. This initiative was carried out by IAHV in partnership with the Art of Living.
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My Bag. My Earth.
A grassroot campaign started in 2006 seeing the large amount of disposable plastic waste esp. shopping bags, plastic takeaway bags being littered all the UAE. The movement encouraged people to ‘Reduce Plastic Jute Up’, involved lectures in schools and colleges, teaching companies and individuals to learn how to convert their daily newspapers to bags, conduct green store awareness in retail outlets, conducted green cafe workshops to mobilize support for the cause by bringing competing retailers to one platform. Read more..

IAHV works on nature conservation initiatives to help combat climate change
IAHV as part of its Corporate Social Partnership initiated the Volunteer Engagement Program with Intel, employees from Intel have been attending hands-on activity at the Art of Living International Ashram Permaculture site in Bangalore. The site which serves as both a demonstration as well as a training centre has consciously designed landscapes that mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature while yielding an abundance of food, fiber, and energy for the provision of local needs. The Idea is to make employees aware about preserving & maintaining the natural habitat.
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Nature conservation initiatives such as rejuvenation of rivers
The Kumudvathi River Rejuvenation Project
The main causes for the drying up of a river are urban encroachment, deforestation, unsustainable extraction of ground water and loss of traditional knowledge. Urban encroachment led to the destruction of the catchment areas that feed the river, while deforestation has loosened the soil’s water-holding capacity. Indiscriminate planting of species such as Eucalyptus also interfere with the natural recharge process. This initiative was carried out by the IAHV in partnership with the Art of Living.
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IAHV is committed to protecting and fostering life on land
IAHV organized the "Mission Green Earth Campaign" in 2008. Under the patronage of UN Messenger of Peace and Chairperson of IHC, HRH Princess Haya, IAHV, IHC, UNDP and their network of volunteers and partners successfully enhanced awareness about the UN’s Millennium Development Goals and the challenge of environmental sustainability amongst the public, business, community and media.
A unique environmental initiative for world environmental week June 5-11 2005 Volunteers of IAHV distributed 100,000 plants in test tubes in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah during the World Environmental Week.
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As a part of the campaign "Mission Green Earth", our team and volunteers planted nearly 10 million trees in less than two years and millions of people were sensitized towards the importance of environmental friendly lifestyles. This initiative was carried out by IAHV in partnership with the Art of Living Foundation
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RISE: Refugee Integration and Self-Empowerment (RISE)
In the US, IAHV launched the Refugee Integration and Self-Empowerment (RISE) Program in 2009 to assist Bhutanese refugees in Atlanta to handle high levels of trauma and stress. These refugees have faced challenges integrating into their new circumstances in the United States. Read more..

Multi-stakeholder partnerships with communities, private sector, civil society organizations, UN agencies and Governments to help realize the SDGs